getting started
Sometimes the hardest part is getting started. There are millions of different ways to delay. Like writing blog entries!
Here are some ways to deal with procrastination.
via lifehacker
Sometimes the hardest part is getting started. There are millions of different ways to delay. Like writing blog entries!
Eslbee has some useful explanations for essay writersthat cover a lot of the problems that come up in my classes.
An important skill to develop not only for the TOEFL essay, but also your writing and thinging generally is mind mapping. Our brains don't work in straight lines, especially when we're under time pressure. A mind map helps you get ideas out of your head and onto a page. This lets you work with them more easily and turn them into a coherent essay.
our new word for the week ispodcasting .
At the end of with my toefl 2/48 class on Friday, we wrote some new vocabulary on the board that came up in the reading questions we'd done. There was a pregnant pause and a couple of students asked why I wasn't going to explain the new words.
You're more likely to remember something you've worked out for yourself
Thanh, a student in my afternoon class, mentioned this page to me. It has some good practice materials for the TOEFL and other standardized tests. I've had a quick look through it and seems pretty good. Check it out and let me know what you think in my comments. or if you know of other good materials share them with me and your fellow students.
This story from Canada is about a difference between North American cultre and Korean culture. How far should parents go to punish their children? Does the state (government/police/legal system) have the right to become involved in a "family matter?" If parents pay to have their children educated abroad, what are the duties of the children? and the parents? Is there a disconnect between wanting one's children educated in a foreign country but expecting them to keep the behavoural standards of the home country? Does any of this apply to Vietnamese students?
Hello and welcome to my new classes, this is where I keep a lot of ideas on practicing for the TOEFL
This idea is appealling for a toefl essay task that might also get students thinking.
Hard work has nothing to do with success. It does not produce success. It does not sustain success. And it certainly does not reverse a failure. It is passion that drives success. Love for one's activity is infinitely more important to creating success than hard work. Yet for some twisted reason, parents, teachers, and leaders insist on emphasizing the importance of hard work.
If you emphasize hard work to the youth, you will create a generation of most obedient servants. However, if you inspire passion in them, the sky is the limit for what can be accomplished.
There are some good games and quizzes to practice vocabulary on this page.